The Senozon Mobility Model
The Senozon mobility model shows a detailed spatial and temporal image of a country, including the movement of the population. Statistical data on infrastructure, land use and transportation form the basis of the model.
Anonymity by Design
Population and demographic data from statistical offices provide us with the necessary information to map the target groups, including the activities they are pursuing. Based on this data, Senozon develops a synthetic population. This population is completely anonymous but statistically representative of the real population of a country.
Identifying Decision Patterns
Through interviews and surveys, we understand how people make decisions about how, when and where they move. For example, possession of season ticket for public transport or travel time are important indicators for the choice of transportation.
By combining these decision patterns with the a given country’s synthetic population, infrastructure, traffic and land use data, we build a mobility model for the whole country.
Understanding Target Groups
The Senozon mobility model enables us to analyze the movement patterns of a given target group. We can answer concrete, business-relevant questions such as: “Where and when can I reach most women, between 40 and 60 years of age, with an above-average income and a high level of education? Where should I book out-of-home advertising space to address customers before or after their visit to my store? How many workers from a particular industry can reach my location within an hour by public transport or car?”
Analyzing the Future
In addition to as-is analyses, the Senozon mobility model provide a solid basis for decisions about future scenarios in a changing environment.
The Senozon Mobility Model at Work
The Senozon mobility model was developed to answer scientific and business-related questions. Our customers are therefore not only private sector companies, but also public authorities or universities who use the model as a basis for their research.
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