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Das Senozon Mobility Model

Tech Corner

Senozon has been developing processes and methods to create high-resolution, agent-based mobility models from various data sources for many years.

Mobility behavior is simulated using MATSim (Multi-Agent Transport Simulation) software.

What does MATSim stand for?

MATSim is the technical basis for the Senozon mobility model. It is an open-source simulation software that sets virtual people in motion, originally developed at ETH Zurich and TU Berlin. Among others, Prof. Dr. Kai Nagel and Prof. Dr. Kay Axhausen were in charge of the project. Today, they continue to support Senozon as members of the advisory board.

Dr. Michael Balmer, founder and current Head of Models at Senozon, was also significantly involved in the development of MATSim.

The official documentation and reference for the MATSim project is available for download on the MATSim homepage.

Our Development Team

Our developers are respected experts with a combined experience of more than three decades in their field. They are based in Zurich and Berlin.

For them, MATSim is the most important tool in the development of the Senozon mobility model. It is the little bit of “magic” that sets the agents in motion. In addition to MATSim, many other tools and software applications are part of their daily work environment, such as Java, GraphHopper, GitLab, GeoTools etc.

Dr. sc. ETH Michael Balmer

Head of Models and Solutions

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Neumann

Senior Developer

Daniel Röder

Senior Developer

Tobias Kohl

Junior Developer

Any questions?

We’re looking forward to receive your message.

    Senozon AG
    Technoparkstrasse 1
    8005 Zurich
    Senozon Deutschland GmbH
    c/o Next-Level-Offices
    Franklinstraße 11
    10587 Berlin
    Senozon Austria GmbH
    Türkenstraße 25/8
    1090 Vienna